
At First Church belonging is more important than belief.

Worship 10am on Sundays.

Theologically Diverse

The First Church in Sterling gathers in the spirit of Jesus, and commits to building the kingdom of heaven here on this earth. We are a theologically diverse, radically welcoming Christian community in association with the United Church of Christ and the Unitarian Universalist Association. We are a proudly multi-generational church that cherishes children, youth, single adults, married and divorced folks, widowed people, and families of all constellations. Because we are a multi-denominational church in the “free church” tradition, we do not have a creed or dogma. We are not perfect, so we do not expect you to be, either. We do not have all the answers, so we don’t expect you to have them, either. We seek to meet people where they are, join them where they are in their spiritual journeys, and together, to learn to love the hell out of the world. As one Body, we certainly don’t agree about everything we believe, but we unite in the sure knowledge that the power of Love can create more healing and wholeness in our lives, in our local community and in the world. We are inspired, informed and enlivened by that Love in our interactions with each other, in worship, in our ministries, and in our outreach.

Our Story

Open and Affirming

As we gather in the spirit of Jesus, we commit ourselves to the ongoing work of being an Open and Affirming congregation, one that lives out the belief that God is still speaking. We welcome people of all ages, races, genders, sexualities, and abilities, and we are fully wheelchair accessible. Click below to read our Open and Affirming Covenant!


Dynamic Staff

Our dynamic staff is committed to creating meaningful worship, fulfilling enrichment activities, meaningful service opportunities, and a rich and meaningful spiritual life. Whether you see us preaching from the pulpit, talking about the big issues with our teens, or playing the pipe organ, all of us are committed to our mission of creating heaven on earth. Click below to learn more.
