A Note From Our Pastor


Dear Friends,

Affiliated with the United Church of Christ and the Unitarian Universalist Association, First Church in Sterling is a theologically diverse, open and affirming progressive Christian community where we are gathered in the spirit of Jesus and committed to creating heaven on earth.

First Church in Sterling is what’s called a “federated” church: the result of the American Baptists, the Congregationalists, and the Unitarians coming together into one small town church during World War II. As a result, this 300-plus member Christian church is rich in theological diversity. We have progressive Christians, traditional Christians, Jesus-loving atheists, and questioning agnostics. We have Unitarians, Trinitarians, not-sure-and-don’t-care-itarians. We have Democrats, Republicans, Independents and none-of-the-aboves. Here, belonging is more important than belief. We have gay people and straight people, rich people and poor people, young people and old people. Though we have many differences, what we share in common is a belief in Love’s transcendent power to heal us, and the division in this country and in the world.

Our church is passionate about our mission: which is to make earth more like it is in heaven. We achieve this through a variety of ministries and missions that we are proud to offer to our neighboring communities.

We are a church that can do hard things. We are a church of joy, laughter, occasional irreverence, and resilience. We are a church that believes God is Love and Love is Love. Most importantly, we believe the newest people among us give us new eyes to see and know God. We hope you’ll join us!

Pastor Robin